Welcome to a new age of asset management. Onboard all your assets with ease (minus the expense) and gain better visibility and more control over all your technology and hardware.
Asset management software makes it easy to stay on track with your investments.
Real-time decision making, real-time results, and real-time savings.
Save time, money, & avoid costly mistakes
Centralized visibility for every company asset. Know what you own, who has them, the condition they’re in – all in a real-time dashboard that makes asset management a breeze
Onboarding all of your assets with just the push of a button.
Our powerful cross-platform asset discovery tools can get your assets into the system immediately. Time is money, and you’ve got more important things to do.
Digital Asset Management
Fixed Asset Management
IT Asset Management
Enterprise Asset Management
Financial Asset Management
Infrastructure Asset Management
Organize your assets
Pull up asset records in less time
Create, customize, and attach QR codes or barcodes to any asset, part, or work order. Scan them with a mobile device to instantly see asset information.
Get a complete view of maintenance across multiple sites
Organize users, assets, inventory, purchases, and tasks by location. Plan, schedule, and trigger work by timezone and get real-time updates and KPIs from each site.
Create a map of your assets that you can navigate seamlessly
Create an asset hierarchy by dragging and dropping equipment to build an asset tree or list. Use your hierarchy to run reports and filter them by parent-child relationships.
Build SOPs with a fraction of the effort
Group similar assets into custom categories so you only have to schedule, assign, and track tasks and reports once.
Optimize your assets
Get a complete view of your assets
Use the dashboard to get an overview of your equipment, including downtime status, maintenance metrics, and more.
Create and automate in-depth maintenance reports
Choose from over 100 templated reports or build customized reports. Have them automatically sent to your inbox on a regular basis.
Keep every detail about your assets in one place
See all maintenance costs for each machine in the asset log. Add repair dates, notes, checklists, and other details so you’re never left in the dark about an asset’s past.
We’ve got you covered
With our modern approach, there’s never been a more comfortable way to protect yourself. Join the United family and start living a stress-free life.